Sounds of English Video Series

This is a video series that I made back in 2020 as a supplement to my online classes. There are a few things I’d like to change, but on the whole I think they still hold up pretty well.

Sounds of English 1: IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) || 国際発音記号
Sounds of English 2: Vowels || 母音一覧
Sounds of English 3: Tense and Lax Vowels || 緊張母音、弛緩母音
Sounds of English 4: Splitting the /a/ || アを分けましょう!
Sounds of English 5: The Great Enemy, Ur || 大敵の/ɚ/
Sounds of English 6: Two For One (Diphthongs) || 二重母音
Sounds of English 7: Vowel Review || 母音復習
Sounds of English 8: Introduction to Consonants || 子音一覧
Sounds of English 9: Fricative Consonants || 摩擦音 ー /f/, /v/, <th>
Sounds of English 10: She’s from Asia, /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ || 後部歯茎摩擦:/ʃ/と/ʒ/
Sounds of English 11: It Looks Really Rare, /r/ and /l/ in initial position || 語頭の/r/と/l/
Sounds of English 12: Crystal Clear, /r/ and /l/ in initial clusters || 語頭子音クラスターの/r/と/l/
Sounds of English 13: Eyes of Ice, pre-fortis clipping || 語末の子音、有声・無声の区別
Sounds of English 14: Spilling the /t/, allophones of /t/ || /t/の異音
Sounds of English 15: I Live in an Apartment, final /n/ and linking || 語末の/n/、言葉の繋ぎ方
Sounds of English 16: Chicken Tickets, /ti/ and /si/ sounds || /ti/と/si/
Sounds of English 17: Consonant Review || 子音復習
Sounds of English 18: Lexical Stress || 言葉における強調
Sounds of English 19: Phrasal Stress || 語句における強調
Sounds of English 20: Basic Intonation || 基礎韻律
Sounds of English 21: Questions, Lists, and Certainty || 韻律②:質問、リスト、確実性
Sounds of English 22: Prosody Review || 韻律復習
Sounds of English 23: Common Errors 1 || 日本人がよく間違える音①
Sounds of English 24: Common Errors 2 || 日本人がよく間違える音②
Sounds of English 25: Do You Like Coffee? || 1つのフレーズを完璧に練習しましょう!